Exposure is a revolutionary photo blogging theme with extreme control over image gallery displays in your posts and a completely widgetized home page with each blog post being a widget allowing them to be arranged however you please.
Main Features
A hugely unique completely widgetized home page, where you can set exactly what posts you want to display, as each post is a widget.
Incredible post image gallery management, with options to display your images in a post in a variety of ways, including small/medium/big thumbnails using javascript scrollers
Layout control of your imagery in the archive, attachment and single pages, with a custom settings panel in each post to overwrite these controls with post-specific layouts
A dedicated blog section to your site, accessible via the navigation with it’s own template to display blog posts differently to photo posts
Banner ad management via the theme option’s panel
22 delicious alternate colour schemes to choose from
Backend theme options panel
Cross browser compatable
Auto-sizing thumbnails
Localized for translations
Custom page templates
Preview and Purchase
Single Use: $70
Developer: $150